Have you ever held a title along with your name? Were you ever the president of a committee or group in school? Were you the captain of your sports team? If you were, how did you feel about that title? Did carrying the title add an extra sense of responsibility for your duties? Did it make you proud or happy to carry that title? If you have never had a title, maybe you know someone who has. It could be a specialist in some eld who is known as an "usta" or "uzman." Maybe it is a doctor or professor.
People are given titles for many reasons. We give titles to people because of their rank, for example a captain in the army. The mayor receives his title due to his office in society. We can also give titles for an accomplishment like being a war-veteran or a martyr. Titles are also given to show familial relationships like big sister, grandfather, aunt or uncle.
Sometimes we attach an attributive name to someone's name and it becomes like a title. We think of Süleyman the Magnificent. In rare cases we can give a title to someone and it actually becomes their name. The best example is Ataturk. What does his name signify? Well it literally means that he is the father of the Turks. Of course everyone knows that he was not thefi rst Turk from whom all other Turks descended. Turks have existed since at least 800 B.C. No, the title does not describe a physical relationship, but it does describe the relationship between a nation and its founder.
Ataturk was a heroic, successful military tactician on several fronts including Çanakkale during World War I. After the WWI, he went to Samsun and began to form the national resistance movement in 1919. He called for a national election to establish a new Turkish parliament in Ankara. That parliament, the Grand National Assembly, then made him commander-in-chief. Through a series of hard fought battles, he defeated the Greeks on several fronts. Then Ataturk led out in the formation and international acceptance of the Turkish Republic. He instituted many social reforms and guaranteed equal rights to all citizens. While Ataturk was not the physical leader of other Turkic nations, he still inspires them with the heroism and wisdom that he displayed. Likewise, Ataturk is not the physical father of the Turks. But he is nonetheless the father of a nation that calls its citizens Turks. Therefore he is the father of the Turks.
Titles are really important to us. We show respect to our leaders with the titles we give them. We begin our festivals greeting our most honored guests,
“Sayın Valimiz, Sayın Millet Vekilimiz, Sayın Belediye Başkanımız, Sayın Muhtarımız: törenimize hoşgeldiniz.”
Those people earn titles because of who they are, that is, what position they hold. What titles do you find yourself using everyday?
Did you know that titles are used in the Bible as well? Titles are used throughout the Bible to convey roles, relationships, and special honor. In this lesson we will look at a title that is given to both God and to Joseph, the husband of Mary mother of Jesus. Let's begin by reading Luke chapter 2 verses 40-42, which describe Jesus as a boy.
40 And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, lled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him. 41 His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. 42 And when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast.
Do you remember the Passover feast?8 When God delivered the Israelites from slavery, He sent a destroying angel over the land of Egypt. God said that He would destroy all the rst-born sons in the land as a punishment for the Pharaoh’s stubbornness and refusal to obey Him. But God also said that anyone who believed His word, killed a lamb, and spread the blood of that lamb on the lintels and doorposts of their house would not lose their rst-born son. The spreading of the blood of the lamb served as a symbol of their faith in God’s word, thus saving the rst born from death. As a result of this warning, the Israelites and a few Egyptians obeyed and were saved. They subsequently came out of Egypt and were free from slavery. As a memorial of God's deliverance, the adult males were to come to Jerusalem every year for the Passover feast. Therefore Joseph, Mary, and the 12 year-old Jesus went to Jerusalem to worship and celebrate.
It is interesting to note that when the apostle Matthew recorded this event, he used the title "parent" for both Joseph and Mary.
Remember in our first lesson of the New Testament we learned that Jesus was born of a virgin. Joseph was not the biological father of Jesus. So how could Joseph be called his "parent"? He was called Jesus' parent because he was the closest thing that Jesus had to an earthly father.
In modern terms, he was like a stepfather. Joseph would have shared with his wife the responsibilities of teaching Jesus the ways of life: how to dress, to behave in the home and society and how to work. A father is in the primary position to teach his son how to be a man. He can be a spiritual and moral guide for his son. By both word and example he can pass on to his son the knowledge of how to lead and provide for a family, to persevere when the situation is hard, to keep his temper when things go wrong and to be brave in danger. It was in these ways that Joseph was a parent to Jesus although he was not his biological father. Let us continue reading in Luke chapter 2 verses 43-45:
43 When they had nished the days, as they returned, the boy Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem. And Joseph and His mother did not know it; 44 but supposing Him to have been in the company, they went a day's journey, and sought Him among their relatives and acquaintances. 45 So when they did not nd Him, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking Him.
Joseph and Mary must have traveled with a great company of people to Jerusalem. In those days, it was a common practice because it provided fellowship and protection. While returning home with that same crowd, they thought Jesus was among them and when they could not nd him they must have been very worried. Can you imagine how the two must have felt to lose their son? Perhaps you have lost sight of a child for a short time and know the feeling. Maybe Joseph and Mary had a similar fear to the Prophet Jacob two thousand years before when his son was missing. Jacob’s immediate thought was that "an evil beast hath devoured him.”9
Let's see what Joseph and Mary did in Luke chapter 2 verses 46-48:
46 Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. 48 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, "Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously."
Although Mary reprimanded Jesus for something she deemed to be wrong, it was actually Mary and Joseph who were remiss. Jesus was just doing the work that God had committed to him. Whereas Mary and Joseph, as the guardians of the Messiah, had failed to do their job. For more than a day they had let things of lesser importance occupy their attention. They even left Jerusalem without him. You can be sure they were extremely stressed now as they were searching frantically for the child.
When Joseph and Mary found the 12 year-old Jesus, he was not playing games as other boys would. He was sitting in the temple among the teachers, listening to them, and asking questions. He was no ordinary child! Perhaps out of respect Jesus was not just lecturing, but rather asking questions to lead the teachers to greater understanding. What kind of questions do you think Jesus was asking and answering that would astonish these teachers? How could a child trump the religious teachers? Think about how purposefully he must have listened to his mother and father's instruction from his earliest years. The boy Jesus’ depth of understanding was unheard of from then even up to our day. How could he do it? Do you remember what the prophet David wrote in Psalms chapter 119 verse 99?
"I have more understanding than all my teachers: for your testimonies are my meditation."
Jesus must have studied the word of God diligently because his knowledge of scripture amazed these teachers. But more than just knowing what the scriptures said Jesus understood what they meant. There is a big difference. A person can memorize scripture and not know what it means. God was enlightening the mind of Jesus and showing him the true meaning of scripture; and Jesus was passing that light on to others.
In more ways than one, Jesus’ life can serve as an example to us. God wants us to also be students of His word. He wants us to become wise through the reading of the Holy Scriptures. While teachers can provide valuable assistance in learning the scriptures, we should not be dependent on them for knowing truth. We have the truth in God's word available to us, and as Jesus did we can study it and know it for ourselves. But we must study prayerfully and humbly to know the true meaning of the word of God. The scriptures can be twisted to support any kind of idea or interpretation. But to nd the true meaning as intended by God we must enlist God's help. So we see in Jesus not just an intelligent child, but one who in humility sought the help of God in understanding the true meaning of His word.
When speaking to Jesus, Mary refers to Joseph as his father. She knew that he was not Jesus' biological father. But Joseph was lling the role of father in Jesus' life. It is for this reason that she was able to call him by this title. But regardless of this fact, Jesus knew his position in the family and lived out the 5th commandment in perfection:
"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you."10
Jesus always showed respect and honor to Joseph. But after Mary and Joseph confronted him, Jesus used the word "father" in an astonishing way. Let's read about it in Luke chapter 2 verses 49-50:
49 And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?" 50 But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them.
Joseph and Mary did not understand the statement that Jesus made. Who was Jesus talking about when he said,
"My Father's business"?
Certainly he was not talking about Joseph's business because Joseph was a carpenter. What exactly was Jesus saying? He was at the temple with the religious leaders (rabbis) asking and answering questions about life, God, and holy living. Whose business is that? That is God's business! Who would Jesus be referring to as "My Father"?
The Bible says that Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb of the Holy Spirit of God. But God was not the father of Jesus in a biological sense because God does not relate to created beings that way. There was no biological interaction between God and one of His creatures, in this case Mary. No, the expression "father" must have some other meaning. How can we understand what Jesus said?
Perhaps Jesus was using the term "Father" for God as a title. Certainly the relationship between God and Jesus is unique because no other person was conceived in a virgin's womb by the Holy Spirit of God. Perhaps Jesus is telling us that the relationship between himself and God is different and that there is no earthly relationship quite like it. By using the expression, "My Father" we see that Jesus’ relationship with God is like that of a father and son. By using the word, "My" we understand that this relationship is unique. There is not another one like it. Just as Ataturk is not the biological father of the Turkish people, so God is not the biological father of Jesus. But there is a special relationship there that deserves a title.
What could that relationship be? In the rst lesson of the New Testament we learned that the angel Gabriel instructed Mary and Joseph to name their child Jesus. The name Jesus means, "God is salvation." Then the angel said that Jesus would save people from their sins. We also saw where the apostle Matthew quoted from the book of Isaiah that a woman would conceive and have a son named Emmanuel. The name Emmanuel means "God with us." So we need to ask again, what is the relationship between God and Jesus? Let's continue reading in Luke chapter 2 verses 51 and 52:
51 Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Mary had heard the angel tell her,
"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God."11
Mary gave birth before she had been with a man. She heard the shepherds say that an angel appeared to them and told them that a child was born who was "Christ the Lord."12 She was an eyewitness to the wise men who came from the east and worshiped the child.13 Mary saw the boy Jesus teaching the teachers with her own eyes. Mary pondered these things in her heart to understand their full meaning. Surely, her son must be the Messiah.
But what was the Messiah going to do? What was his work? What was Mary's responsibility? How should she relate to this child? He was obviously different than any other child in the world. He was obviously someone incredibly special. But he was a child, under Mary and Joseph's care, and still expected to submit to them. He was growing in wisdom and stature and yet he was completely obedient to them. What kind of a relationship did they have to Jesus? What kind of a relationship did Jesus have with God? Consider this story:
"Buyurun Abi" said Cumhur as a customer walked into the market.
Cumhur was 35 years old and had operated his corner market for more than 10 years. Everyone in the neighborhood knew him as a just and honest man. He gave fair prices and good service. Cumhur's little brother Cem was there and watched each movement of his brother carefully.
"I would like a liter of whole milk and some butter" the customer said.
"Right away Abi. Is there anything else that you want?" "No. That will be all,” said the customer.
"That will be 8 lira 75, Abi."
The man paid and left. Cem said to his big brother,
"Abi, why do you call customers Abi even when they are younger than you?"
Cumhur smiled, "Cem, I know that the customer is younger than me and that I am the store owner. That guy who came in here is jobless right now. In society he does not have a higher position than me. But I choose to humble myself and show respect to him as my customer. It doesn't mean that he is greater than me. In reality, we are equals. But I give him the title "Abi" because I have chosen the role as servant in this situation.”
Cumhur was Cem's real big brother because they had the same father and mother. Even though the customer was not Cumhur's biological brother, he was honored with the title of Abi because of the situation.
God carries the title of "Father" in relation to Jesus and Jesus carries the title of "Son" in relation to God. But they are not biologically father and son. What do these titles mean? For now, we don't have an explanation from the scriptures. We will have to read further on to better understand what the prophets are trying to communicate to us about this subject. But one thing we do know: the relation between God and Jesus is unique. No other human being was born in the way Jesus was. Why? What is it about Jesus and what Jesus would do that God would desire to make a unique birth for him?
Discussion Questions
1. How do you think Jesus learned the scriptures so well when he came from a poor family in a small city in Israel?
2. When Jesus said to Joseph and Mary, "Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business," they did not understand his
words. But the very words, "Did you not know" imply that they should have understood. Why should they have understood? Does
that understanding come by knowledge or faith or both?
3. What business was Jesus talking about? What is God's business?
4. Jesus was greater than Joseph and Mary and yet he was obedient to them. What does that tell us about our relationship to our
elders? What does that tell us about our relationship to our boss? What does that tell us about our relationship to our workers or
anyone else who answers to us? What does that tell us about our relationship to strangers?
5. Why do you think the Bible uses these various titles for God and for Jesus?
8 Fate Changer Book 2 Lesson 4
9 Genesis 37:33
10 Exodus 20:12
11 Luke 1:35
12 Luke 2:11
13 Matthew 2
People are given titles for many reasons. We give titles to people because of their rank, for example a captain in the army. The mayor receives his title due to his office in society. We can also give titles for an accomplishment like being a war-veteran or a martyr. Titles are also given to show familial relationships like big sister, grandfather, aunt or uncle.
Sometimes we attach an attributive name to someone's name and it becomes like a title. We think of Süleyman the Magnificent. In rare cases we can give a title to someone and it actually becomes their name. The best example is Ataturk. What does his name signify? Well it literally means that he is the father of the Turks. Of course everyone knows that he was not thefi rst Turk from whom all other Turks descended. Turks have existed since at least 800 B.C. No, the title does not describe a physical relationship, but it does describe the relationship between a nation and its founder.
Ataturk was a heroic, successful military tactician on several fronts including Çanakkale during World War I. After the WWI, he went to Samsun and began to form the national resistance movement in 1919. He called for a national election to establish a new Turkish parliament in Ankara. That parliament, the Grand National Assembly, then made him commander-in-chief. Through a series of hard fought battles, he defeated the Greeks on several fronts. Then Ataturk led out in the formation and international acceptance of the Turkish Republic. He instituted many social reforms and guaranteed equal rights to all citizens. While Ataturk was not the physical leader of other Turkic nations, he still inspires them with the heroism and wisdom that he displayed. Likewise, Ataturk is not the physical father of the Turks. But he is nonetheless the father of a nation that calls its citizens Turks. Therefore he is the father of the Turks.
Titles are really important to us. We show respect to our leaders with the titles we give them. We begin our festivals greeting our most honored guests,
“Sayın Valimiz, Sayın Millet Vekilimiz, Sayın Belediye Başkanımız, Sayın Muhtarımız: törenimize hoşgeldiniz.”
Those people earn titles because of who they are, that is, what position they hold. What titles do you find yourself using everyday?
Did you know that titles are used in the Bible as well? Titles are used throughout the Bible to convey roles, relationships, and special honor. In this lesson we will look at a title that is given to both God and to Joseph, the husband of Mary mother of Jesus. Let's begin by reading Luke chapter 2 verses 40-42, which describe Jesus as a boy.
40 And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, lled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him. 41 His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. 42 And when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast.
Do you remember the Passover feast?8 When God delivered the Israelites from slavery, He sent a destroying angel over the land of Egypt. God said that He would destroy all the rst-born sons in the land as a punishment for the Pharaoh’s stubbornness and refusal to obey Him. But God also said that anyone who believed His word, killed a lamb, and spread the blood of that lamb on the lintels and doorposts of their house would not lose their rst-born son. The spreading of the blood of the lamb served as a symbol of their faith in God’s word, thus saving the rst born from death. As a result of this warning, the Israelites and a few Egyptians obeyed and were saved. They subsequently came out of Egypt and were free from slavery. As a memorial of God's deliverance, the adult males were to come to Jerusalem every year for the Passover feast. Therefore Joseph, Mary, and the 12 year-old Jesus went to Jerusalem to worship and celebrate.
It is interesting to note that when the apostle Matthew recorded this event, he used the title "parent" for both Joseph and Mary.
Remember in our first lesson of the New Testament we learned that Jesus was born of a virgin. Joseph was not the biological father of Jesus. So how could Joseph be called his "parent"? He was called Jesus' parent because he was the closest thing that Jesus had to an earthly father.
In modern terms, he was like a stepfather. Joseph would have shared with his wife the responsibilities of teaching Jesus the ways of life: how to dress, to behave in the home and society and how to work. A father is in the primary position to teach his son how to be a man. He can be a spiritual and moral guide for his son. By both word and example he can pass on to his son the knowledge of how to lead and provide for a family, to persevere when the situation is hard, to keep his temper when things go wrong and to be brave in danger. It was in these ways that Joseph was a parent to Jesus although he was not his biological father. Let us continue reading in Luke chapter 2 verses 43-45:
43 When they had nished the days, as they returned, the boy Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem. And Joseph and His mother did not know it; 44 but supposing Him to have been in the company, they went a day's journey, and sought Him among their relatives and acquaintances. 45 So when they did not nd Him, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking Him.
Joseph and Mary must have traveled with a great company of people to Jerusalem. In those days, it was a common practice because it provided fellowship and protection. While returning home with that same crowd, they thought Jesus was among them and when they could not nd him they must have been very worried. Can you imagine how the two must have felt to lose their son? Perhaps you have lost sight of a child for a short time and know the feeling. Maybe Joseph and Mary had a similar fear to the Prophet Jacob two thousand years before when his son was missing. Jacob’s immediate thought was that "an evil beast hath devoured him.”9
Let's see what Joseph and Mary did in Luke chapter 2 verses 46-48:
46 Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. 48 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, "Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously."
Although Mary reprimanded Jesus for something she deemed to be wrong, it was actually Mary and Joseph who were remiss. Jesus was just doing the work that God had committed to him. Whereas Mary and Joseph, as the guardians of the Messiah, had failed to do their job. For more than a day they had let things of lesser importance occupy their attention. They even left Jerusalem without him. You can be sure they were extremely stressed now as they were searching frantically for the child.
When Joseph and Mary found the 12 year-old Jesus, he was not playing games as other boys would. He was sitting in the temple among the teachers, listening to them, and asking questions. He was no ordinary child! Perhaps out of respect Jesus was not just lecturing, but rather asking questions to lead the teachers to greater understanding. What kind of questions do you think Jesus was asking and answering that would astonish these teachers? How could a child trump the religious teachers? Think about how purposefully he must have listened to his mother and father's instruction from his earliest years. The boy Jesus’ depth of understanding was unheard of from then even up to our day. How could he do it? Do you remember what the prophet David wrote in Psalms chapter 119 verse 99?
"I have more understanding than all my teachers: for your testimonies are my meditation."
Jesus must have studied the word of God diligently because his knowledge of scripture amazed these teachers. But more than just knowing what the scriptures said Jesus understood what they meant. There is a big difference. A person can memorize scripture and not know what it means. God was enlightening the mind of Jesus and showing him the true meaning of scripture; and Jesus was passing that light on to others.
In more ways than one, Jesus’ life can serve as an example to us. God wants us to also be students of His word. He wants us to become wise through the reading of the Holy Scriptures. While teachers can provide valuable assistance in learning the scriptures, we should not be dependent on them for knowing truth. We have the truth in God's word available to us, and as Jesus did we can study it and know it for ourselves. But we must study prayerfully and humbly to know the true meaning of the word of God. The scriptures can be twisted to support any kind of idea or interpretation. But to nd the true meaning as intended by God we must enlist God's help. So we see in Jesus not just an intelligent child, but one who in humility sought the help of God in understanding the true meaning of His word.
When speaking to Jesus, Mary refers to Joseph as his father. She knew that he was not Jesus' biological father. But Joseph was lling the role of father in Jesus' life. It is for this reason that she was able to call him by this title. But regardless of this fact, Jesus knew his position in the family and lived out the 5th commandment in perfection:
"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you."10
Jesus always showed respect and honor to Joseph. But after Mary and Joseph confronted him, Jesus used the word "father" in an astonishing way. Let's read about it in Luke chapter 2 verses 49-50:
49 And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?" 50 But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them.
Joseph and Mary did not understand the statement that Jesus made. Who was Jesus talking about when he said,
"My Father's business"?
Certainly he was not talking about Joseph's business because Joseph was a carpenter. What exactly was Jesus saying? He was at the temple with the religious leaders (rabbis) asking and answering questions about life, God, and holy living. Whose business is that? That is God's business! Who would Jesus be referring to as "My Father"?
The Bible says that Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb of the Holy Spirit of God. But God was not the father of Jesus in a biological sense because God does not relate to created beings that way. There was no biological interaction between God and one of His creatures, in this case Mary. No, the expression "father" must have some other meaning. How can we understand what Jesus said?
Perhaps Jesus was using the term "Father" for God as a title. Certainly the relationship between God and Jesus is unique because no other person was conceived in a virgin's womb by the Holy Spirit of God. Perhaps Jesus is telling us that the relationship between himself and God is different and that there is no earthly relationship quite like it. By using the expression, "My Father" we see that Jesus’ relationship with God is like that of a father and son. By using the word, "My" we understand that this relationship is unique. There is not another one like it. Just as Ataturk is not the biological father of the Turkish people, so God is not the biological father of Jesus. But there is a special relationship there that deserves a title.
What could that relationship be? In the rst lesson of the New Testament we learned that the angel Gabriel instructed Mary and Joseph to name their child Jesus. The name Jesus means, "God is salvation." Then the angel said that Jesus would save people from their sins. We also saw where the apostle Matthew quoted from the book of Isaiah that a woman would conceive and have a son named Emmanuel. The name Emmanuel means "God with us." So we need to ask again, what is the relationship between God and Jesus? Let's continue reading in Luke chapter 2 verses 51 and 52:
51 Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Mary had heard the angel tell her,
"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God."11
Mary gave birth before she had been with a man. She heard the shepherds say that an angel appeared to them and told them that a child was born who was "Christ the Lord."12 She was an eyewitness to the wise men who came from the east and worshiped the child.13 Mary saw the boy Jesus teaching the teachers with her own eyes. Mary pondered these things in her heart to understand their full meaning. Surely, her son must be the Messiah.
But what was the Messiah going to do? What was his work? What was Mary's responsibility? How should she relate to this child? He was obviously different than any other child in the world. He was obviously someone incredibly special. But he was a child, under Mary and Joseph's care, and still expected to submit to them. He was growing in wisdom and stature and yet he was completely obedient to them. What kind of a relationship did they have to Jesus? What kind of a relationship did Jesus have with God? Consider this story:
"Buyurun Abi" said Cumhur as a customer walked into the market.
Cumhur was 35 years old and had operated his corner market for more than 10 years. Everyone in the neighborhood knew him as a just and honest man. He gave fair prices and good service. Cumhur's little brother Cem was there and watched each movement of his brother carefully.
"I would like a liter of whole milk and some butter" the customer said.
"Right away Abi. Is there anything else that you want?" "No. That will be all,” said the customer.
"That will be 8 lira 75, Abi."
The man paid and left. Cem said to his big brother,
"Abi, why do you call customers Abi even when they are younger than you?"
Cumhur smiled, "Cem, I know that the customer is younger than me and that I am the store owner. That guy who came in here is jobless right now. In society he does not have a higher position than me. But I choose to humble myself and show respect to him as my customer. It doesn't mean that he is greater than me. In reality, we are equals. But I give him the title "Abi" because I have chosen the role as servant in this situation.”
Cumhur was Cem's real big brother because they had the same father and mother. Even though the customer was not Cumhur's biological brother, he was honored with the title of Abi because of the situation.
God carries the title of "Father" in relation to Jesus and Jesus carries the title of "Son" in relation to God. But they are not biologically father and son. What do these titles mean? For now, we don't have an explanation from the scriptures. We will have to read further on to better understand what the prophets are trying to communicate to us about this subject. But one thing we do know: the relation between God and Jesus is unique. No other human being was born in the way Jesus was. Why? What is it about Jesus and what Jesus would do that God would desire to make a unique birth for him?
Discussion Questions
1. How do you think Jesus learned the scriptures so well when he came from a poor family in a small city in Israel?
2. When Jesus said to Joseph and Mary, "Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business," they did not understand his
words. But the very words, "Did you not know" imply that they should have understood. Why should they have understood? Does
that understanding come by knowledge or faith or both?
3. What business was Jesus talking about? What is God's business?
4. Jesus was greater than Joseph and Mary and yet he was obedient to them. What does that tell us about our relationship to our
elders? What does that tell us about our relationship to our boss? What does that tell us about our relationship to our workers or
anyone else who answers to us? What does that tell us about our relationship to strangers?
5. Why do you think the Bible uses these various titles for God and for Jesus?
8 Fate Changer Book 2 Lesson 4
9 Genesis 37:33
10 Exodus 20:12
11 Luke 1:35
12 Luke 2:11
13 Matthew 2